

  • A Natural Alternative to Dentures
    If you wear dentures and are tired of worrying about an, “Accidental,” fall out, schedule an appointment with your dentist who will be able to determine if you are a Read more
  • Ask Your Dentist in Pasadena if you are a Candidate for Tooth Whitening
    During the holidays people tend to forget about themselves concentrating on decorations, gifts and family get togethers, and if you find yourself in the same predicament, treat yourself to a Read more
  • Missing Teeth are not Just about Esthetics
    If you close your mouth when you smile because of a missing tooth or teeth, it is more than just your self-esteem that is at risk. Aesthetics is the most obvious Read more
  • CEREC® Crowns in a Day
    CEREC® Crowns eliminate the need for temporary crowns as all of the work is done in a single appointment. All you have to do is schedule one. Dr. Paul Shinto and Read more
  • Leave Temporaries Behind with CEREC Crowns
    CEREC Crowns Pasadena are revolutionary when it comes to cosmetic and restorative dental procedures. CEREC Crowns give traditional porcelain and metal dental crowns the boot thanks to the in office Read more
  • CEREC® Crowns for the Holidays
    CEREC® Crowns makes the perfect gift for you or someone you love, and if you or someone you know is afraid to smile, call and schedule an appointment with Dr. Read more
  • It’s National Face Protection Month
    April is National Face Protection month and if you haven’t already purchased a stock, boil and bite or a custom made mouthguard for you and your family this spring, now Read more
  • Is CEREC Right for You?
    If you have been avoiding cosmetic dentistry because you just don’t have the time, you need to call and schedule an appointment with Dr. Paul Shinto and his team of Read more
  • If You Play Sports without A Mouth Guard You Could Be Asking for Trouble
    Talk to your Pasadena Dentist about mouth guards, especially if you or your kids participate in recreational or team sports. Mouth guards are worn over your teeth in order to Read more
  • CEREC® Crowns for Beautiful Results
    CEREC® Crowns are the innovative way to give you a beautiful new smile in a single dental appointment. However, not every dental practice in Pasadena is equipped to fit you Read more
  • Ask Your Dentist about the Dangers of Oral Piercings
    Oral Piercings may be all the rage, but if your teen has been begging you to comply, there are some things regarding teeth and gums that may persuade your kids Read more
  • If People Are Running the Other way you Could Have Halitosis
    If you have ever been near someone whose breath made you want to turn the other way, you are not alone. According to Colgate, Halitosis affects one in four people, Read more
  • How Your Dentist May Treat Gum Disease
    Gum disease should never be taken lightly, especially if it has progressed past gingivitis into the more serious periodontal disease. Web MD explains that a number of factors including poor oral Read more
  • CEREC® Crowns for a Beautiful New Smile
    CEREC® Crowns could be the answer if you are tired of dealing with old restorations. Dr. Paul Shinto and his team of Pasadena Dentists have the experience and the expertise Read more
  • Gum Disease and Overall Health
    Gum disease is the main cause of adult tooth loss, but it can also cause other serious health problems. According to Dr. Paul Shinto and his team of Pasadena Dentists, gum Read more
  • CEREC® Crowns Could Be the Right Fit
    CEREC® Crowns could be the answer if you are looking for an alternative to conventional metal dental crowns. CEREC® Crowns are matched to the color of your natural teeth and Read more