

  • Things You Probably Don’t Know About Cosmetic Dentistry
    Dentistry, especially Cosmetic Dentistry, has certainly changed over the years, but according to recent archeological diggings, Cosmetic Dentistry is certainly not new. In fact, Cosmetic Dentistry can be traced back Read more
  • Three Reasons You Need CEREC© Crowns
    Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, also referred to as CEREC©, is a complex machine that is used by dentists to provide you with the latest when it comes to Read more
  • A Smile Makeover in One Dental Appointment
    A smile makeover in Pasadena could be just what you need if you are dissatisfied with your grin. Dr. Paul Shinto and his team of Pasadena dentists have the experience Read more
  • TMJ Disorders are More Common in Women
    If you grind your teeth at night, you could be causing serious issues for the rest of your mouth. According to your dentist, grinding your teeth can cause problems with Read more
  • Types of Dental Crowns
    Placed over the top of a damaged tooth, dental crowns are used to restore the size and shape of your tooth while improving the appearance. Dental crowns are cemented into Read more
  • Watch What You Indulge in over the Holidays
    Even if you have a perfect smile, you will still want to watch what you eat and drink over the holidays as even the healthiest foods and beverages can cause Read more
  • What is Flap Surgery?
    Gum disease, especially the more severe periodontal disease should be taken care of as quickly as possible. Without proper care from your dentist, your periodontal disease may not be able Read more
  • Vitamin D can Help You Keep Your Teeth
    In a recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition, Vitamin D could be the answer when it comes to preventing tooth decay. The study was conducted using 3,000 children Read more
  • What to Expect From Your Pasadena Dentist
    If it has been some time since you have seen a Pasadena Dentist it could be time to schedule a check up with Dr. Paul Shinto and his team of Read more
  • When was the Last Time You Saw Your Dentist?
    Summer is winding down and if you have barely had a spare moment to yourself, you are probably enjoying the quiet time now that your kids are back at school. Read more
  • Why Bad Breath Could be an Issue
    If you have noticed people, backing away when you talk it could have something to do with your bad breath. You may brush, floss, use a mouthwash, and see your Read more
  • You really can have new teeth in a day with CEREC.
    CEREC is the economical way to give you a beautiful new smile in a single dental appointment. If you have been avoiding much needed cosmetic dentistry, which could really help with Read more
  • Your Next Dental Checkup
    If you have been neglecting your own teeth because you have been worrying about everything that needed to be taken care of when the kids went back to school in Read more
  • There Could Be Something Lurking Underneath Your Restorations
    If you think that tooth decay cannot occur underneath your restorations, think again. According to your Dentist in Pasadena, cavities can be lurking beneath your crowns and fillings without you Read more
  • Your Teeth and Gums Could Pay the Price over the Holidays
    Your teeth and gums may not think it’s the most wonderful time of the year, especially if you indulge more than you should at those holiday parties. According to Dr. Paul Read more
  • You Still Have Time for CEREC® Crowns
    CEREC® Crowns could be just what you need if you want to impress your colleagues at your holiday party next month. With CEREC® Crowns, you can have a new smile Read more